Shit I Had to Learn
the Hard Way
In My 20s

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Lauren A. Rowe

About Me

Hello! My name is Lauren A. Rowe and I am a proud resident of Colorado. In my free time I love to travel with my family, be out in nature and write. Mental health awareness is incredibly important to me so I felt it would be beneficial to write a book of things I had to learn the hard way. I married my passions for nature and writing to create an ebook with my photography from our adventures and these lessons I've learned. I hope it can help someone out there find a moment of peace! Hopefully you don't have to learn things the hard way as well!

If you're interested in more work by me, linked below is my other book Where the Truth Lies.

Shit I Had to Learn the Hard Way In My 20s book cover
I have yet to face a time more transformative than my 20s. You come out of the era of who your parents want you to be and into the era of who you want to become. All while still learning who you even are. I've learned so many deeply important things in this decade of time. One of most rewarding to me personally was learning that nature is nourishing for the soul. So I'm creating this eBook of pictures I've taken and some of the shit I had to learn the hard way so that maybe someone else can find some peace too.

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